Being a student at university during the current economy can be financially challenging. It can be hard to find the spare time to make extra cash whilst working hard on your studies. Here are some additional ways that you can earn some money whilst completing your studies:
Take Part in Research
Ask around at your university, and do your research. Some of the departments at the university tend to look for students who are willing to take part in experiments and pieces of research. For example, the University of Sussex previously offered students £10 to complete a 90-minute questionnaire. This is an incredibly easy way to make money. If your university is not offering anything like this then you can find market research companies who are willing to pay students between £20 and £50 to understand their customers better. You can register for as many surveys as you like.
Sell Unwanted Clothes Online
Many people have clothes they don’t want at the bottom of their wardrobe. This is helpful when moving out of university accommodation for the summer, as there are fewer things to pack and clutter up your space with. Selling unwanted clothes is good for sustainability. Depop and Vinted are both great sites, that are perfect for selling unwanted items online and earning yourself some extra cash.
Become A Tutor
This is a great way to earn extra cash. If you excelled in English or Maths at school, you can put this to good use and become a tutor. This is great if you love helping others to succeed and you have the extra time to do so.
Get A Part-Time Job
Getting yourself a part-time job means that you have a stable and reliable income. However, if you are attending a university that is located in a more remote town then it may be harder to find a part-time job. If you have previous experience then it may be easier to find a job, however, if you have zero experience this can make things slightly more complicated.
A part-time job would not only secure you with some extra cash but they provide you with great life experience along the way.
Work With Brands
Brands are always on the lookout for student ambassadors. As a student ambassador, it is your job to deliver tightly targeted messages to the brands’ targeted audience. Doing this may mean, taking part in taking part in branded events and representing the brand on your university campus, handing out flyers and product samples to your fellow students. This is an excellent way to earn extra cash throughout your time at university.
These are some of our favourite ways that you can make some extra cash at university. If you are currently a student and you are moving out of your current accommodation. Do you need a storage unit? Cheap Storage Manchester offers the cheapest prices in Manchester, perfect for students. We also offer a free collection and removal service. There is no deposit required if you choose to store with us. Contact us today to find the perfect storage unit for your needs.