How To Save Money As A Student At University

As a student, you might be thinking that you will never have savings as university life can be expensive. However, we are going to share our favourite ways in which you can save money as a student.

Budget As Soon As Your Loan Comes In

It is tempting that as soon as your loan goes into your bank account to do a HUGE shopping spree (we have all been there). However, try and resist the temptation. Budgeting as soon as you get your loan is crucial if you want to save money at university. Figure out how much of your loan you need to pay your rent, electricity, water, and any other crucial bills and write them all down in a notebook so you can keep track of what bills come out and when. Once you have this figured out you will know how much you need to live on and how much you can put into your savings.

Leave Your Card At Home On Nights Out

This is where a lot of students’ downfall is. If you just bring cash out with you and leave your card behind, then you will not spend over your budget or risk losing your card. A bonus is, that you won’t have the fear when checking your bank balance, the following morning.

Buy Second-Hand

Buying second-hand is a fantastic way to save money as a student, this is because second-hand prices tend to be much lower than if you were to buy something brand new. Have a look around your local charity shops and you are guaranteed to find some hidden gems.  Sometimes in charity shops, you can find high-quality vintage clothes and accessories and sometimes even homeware items.

Cook For Yourself

Cooking for yourself helps you save a bit more money as a student. Eating out and ordering takeaways is one of the most expensive things you can do especially if you are living in a city with pricier restaurants. If you are not 100% sure how to cook, or where to start. HelloFresh or Gousto is fantastic for students. If you are cooking for yourself, you can order three meals and one meal usually does two days. It is usually around £30 a week and comes with a step-by-step recipe card. These boxes are fantastic if you are wanting to improve your culinary skills and even eat more of your 5 a day.

Earn Some Extra Income

If you have any free time away from the university. Why don’t you pick up a part-time job? A lot of university towns have plenty of job openings, especially in cafes, bars, and restaurants, why not pick up a couple of shifts here, this could be the money you put into your savings.

Make The Most Out of Pre-Drinks

Pre-drinking before a night out is key to saving money. Going out 3-4 times a week not only as a student but as a working adult can get expensive. Invite your friends around before you head out and spend a couple of hours pre-drinking, this is guaranteed to save you money.

If you are currently a student, you are probably looking at packing up and travelling home for the summer soon. A great idea is to consider renting a storage unit near you. This means that you don’t have to worry about taking up too much space in your parents’ house and makes the moving day that bit easier.

If you are a student in Manchester, contact Cheap Storage Manchester, we are one of the cheapest storage facilities in Manchester and perfect for students. Our student storage deal includes free packing boxes, a free collection service, and a return delivery. You are not going to get much of a better deal than that. If this is something that you are interested in, contact us here today and we can arrange a storage unit suited to you and your needs.

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